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The Top 5 Best Names for Collegiate A Cappella Groups

The Best I've Seen

This time, I share the top five best names I’ve seen for collegiate a cappella groups. If you think you've seen better, please add the best you've seen in the comments.

5. Ithaca College Ithacappella

This name is great in that it explicitly tells you what you need to know about the group—where they’re from, and what they do. No other group is going to take this name, and no one will ever forget the college from which the group comes. This is a recipe for success.

4. The University of Central Florida Crescendudes

Every other group you come across has some pun on a musical term for its name. This is a pun I have not seen anywhere else, and has the added bonus of distinguishing the group as a male ensemble. Double points.

3. Yale/Northwestern Law Habeas Chorus

Where pragmatism meets irony is where great names happen. Law students… forming a chorus... while studying habeas corpus… it’s all golden.

2. The Harvard Law Scales of Justice

Pretty much the same as the name before it. It’s clever, applicable, and just a bit more audacious, which I dig in this context.

1. Mt. San Antonio College Fermata Nowhere

To the greatest puns go the greatest rewards. Kudos for the best and most unique of the musical puns I’ve seen in a group.

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