A cappella group performing on stage
The A Cappella Blog

Best Show, Part II

The Best I've Seen

First, a programming note: For everyone who has been checking back for the review of the Johns Hopkins quarterfinal, thank you for your patience. We are working on a special co-commentary with a guest writer. The review will be up tomorrow morning. In the meantime, images from the show are available now on our photos page.

Now, on to our regularly scheduled column...

This time, we share one of the best collegiate a cappella shows I’ve seen

My first ICCA Finals

When I co-founded this blog, one of the first shows I planned to review with the 2007 ICCA Finals. I was pretty excited to see what happened when the best of all regions came together for a show in New York, and let me tell you that I was not disappointed.

The evening began, of course, with the high school championship contenders, who were pretty fantastic in their own right—specifically in the case of the returning champion Cherry Hill High School West Men of Note. But then it was on to the collegiate groups. First, there was University of Nebraska Rocktavo, with one of the most polished sounds I’ve ever heard from a collegiate group. A highlight of their set was an inspired interpretation of “Figaro!” with a blend of beautiful music and perfect comedic delivery.

Second in line were the Amherst College Zumbyes, who I’ll always remember for coming out with one member dressed up as a banana. It was memorable, thought it may have also sabotaged the group a bit when they transitioned into a ballad, and later into the intense movement of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” One way or another, great set, with a unique visual component.

Third up was the absolutely sensational all-female group out of Brigham Young, Noteworthy. The women represented a variety of styles, besides being bold, confident and impressive. They wrapped up the set with a rousing rendition of Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered,” featuring a super high octane dance routine.

The Oxford Gargoyles made their entry in formal wear, and delivered a pleasing sampling of jazz and old school stylings, including a very good blend of the Beach Boys’ “Good Vibrations” into “God Only Knows.”

Next was Florida State University All Night Yahtzee. Ridiculously good solos here, but the truest highlight was their inspired vocal perc on a medley of Iron & Wine and The Postal Service’s “Such Great Heights.”

There was Rutgers Deep Treble putting on a good set, including a very impressive solo on Aerosmith’s “Janie’s Got a Gun.”

Bringing up the rear were the Binghamton Crosbys, combining their powerful sound with the sort of insane movement one really has to see to believe, closing with a stomp routine and lift during their rendition of “I’m A Man.”

When you see a show the caliber of this finals, and there are as many as four groups who you could legitimately see winning—well let’s just say it’s a very good sign. Never before or since have I seen a competition quite this competitive or as many performances quite this impressive in one night, making it, without question, one of the best I’ve seen.

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