The University of British Columbia Fantastic Beats
In honor of the 2017 ICCA tournament, The A Cappella Blog pursued short interviews with competing groups to develop insights into why and how groups approach competition, and to get appropriately excited for the tremendous shows ahead of us.
What’s your group name and on what date is your group’s quarterfinal?
Our group is called The Fantastic Beats and our quarterfinal is on February 25th.
How long has your group been around? Have you competed before?
Our group, as a composite made of many singers in an a cappella club in University of British Columbia, was formed this past September. In UBC A Cappella there are four main a cappella groups and The Fantastic Beats is made up of members from all four groups all with various years of singing experience.
Most of our members have little to no experience experience in competition a cappella.
Why are you competing this year? What does your group hope to accomplish or get out of the experience?
Our group's main goal is to grow together musically through this new competition experience. We look forward to creating long lasting memories with each other and sharing our passion for music with others.
How is your group preparing for competition?
As competition draws near we hold two two-hour practices weekly, focusing on music and choreography respectively. Individual voice parts also hold their own sectionals weekly/biweekly outside of rehearsal times.
If you were to describe your group, or the set your group is planning for competition with just three words, what would they be?
Describing our group with three words: fun, dynamic, contributive.
You can follow University of British Columbia a cappella using the information below:
Twitter: @ubcacappella