A cappella group performing on stage
The A Cappella Blog

The Guy Who Steals Your Heart

200 Reasons To Love A Cappella

Reason #16: The Guy Who Steals Your Heart

Like most contemporary musical acts, its the lead singer, or soloist, who holds the most potential to connect with an audience. As the one delivering the lyrics, that person becomes a storyteller—more often and not, narrator and protagonist along the musical journey to unfold in each song. Whether they’re singing John Legend or Barenaked Ladies, when a really good male soloist takes on a really good ballad, it’s a recipe for swooning fans.

Not just anyone can pull it off, but when it happens, it’s magic. The guy holds the crowd in his hands and for three minutes, has every soul in the audience hanging on his story, just waiting for their opportunity to applaud. It’s a powerful position to be in, and unique sort of moment for the a cappella world.

I love it!

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