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The A Cappella Blog

Little People With Big Voices

200 Reasons To Love A Cappella

Reason #1: Little people with big voices
Most a cappella enthusiasts have seen it time and again.


It’s the young woman who looks like she would be more at home, tucked away in a library cubicle, than standing up there on stage. Or it’s the diminutive guy who looks like he’s somebody’s little brother, stopping by for Siblings Weekend—not an actual member of a collegiate group. And yet, when that little body steps up to the front of the stage, mic in hand and starts working the crowd you sit back, slack-jawed, buggy-eyed, clapping your hands before you know what you’re doing, because out of that little package comes the biggest voice of the night—Stevie, Celine, Josh Groban ,Whitney, channeled through this tiny vessel, giving you a true show-stopping moment that you’ll remember for years to come.

I love it!

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